Antonio Asenjo, Odontologist.
What are Slimbelle veneers?
They are thin shells attached to the front surfaces of teeth to enhance your smile.
Is it a new product?
It is not a new product. This treatment has been used in USA for more than 20 years, they are also known as dental contact lenses.
What are they made of?
They are made of reinforced ceramic with nanocrystals-glass. It is a biocompatible material tested world-wide and that fulfills all the requirements demanded by the EU.
Can I use them?
In order to use Simbelle veneers, you just need to have a healthy mouth and not too crocked teeth. Consult with your dentist.
How do I know they would fit/suit me?
You could have a test in your mouth and see the result before buying them.
Is it a painful procedure?
No, this is a pain-free procedure as your dentist will not use needless for anaesthesia.
Is it a quick treatment?
Yes, only three appointments are required.
Do they look like natural?
Yes, as they are made of a semi-translucid material they always look like natural, besides we have a wide range of natural white colours at your disposal.
Do they require a special maintenance?
No, they don’t required a special maintenance, only the same care you must take for your regular teeth.
Can I eat as usual?
Yes, thanks to their high hardness, very similar to natural teeth.
Can I remove or change them in the future?
Yes, as drill is not required you dentist could easily remove or replace them.
Do they change colour?
No, because the material used is not porous and keeps its original colour.
What to do in case of fracture or breakaway?
In case of fracture they will be replace by a new one, and in case they breakaway your dentist will stick them on again.
What warranty does it have?
Slimbelle offers a 5-year warranty, and with a suitable use they can have a durability of more than 20 years.